...and I like to share what I've written. Comments, critiques, verbal abuse, and veiled threats always welcome.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Pay no attention
to a thing that I've said
I already know
I'm not right in the head
...I'm not always connected

The voices told me
it isn't for naught
they said to play stupid
if I should get caught
...I don't need it corrected

There's no method to my madness
but it helps me survive
There's no rhyme in my reason
but it keeps me alive

Because there's comfort in confusion
and there's shelter in disease
so don't attempt to heal me
just listen to me please

Don't be surprised
by the things that I do
don't try to judge me
by the yardstick of you
...I'm not your reflection

The voices told me
to act as I feel
if it's within me
then it's right and it's real
...not just some infection

There's no method to my madness
but it helps me survive
there's no rhyme in my reason
but it keeps me alive

There is comfort in confusion
and there's shelter in disease
so don't attempt to heal me
just listen to me please

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I like this one. I mean, I like several of them, but this one really jumped out a me.
